Why did we start our blog and where is it going?

graduation, throwing graduation cap, me and mrs adventure, be unique, unique, drew neumann, brittany rouille

graduation, throwing graduation cap, me and mrs adventure, be unique, unique, drew neumann, brittany rouille

Have you ever had a vision that was greater than your reality? ( I do hope that everyone can say “Yes!” to this question at some point in their life.)

Well, not too long ago, Drew and I were both without jobs and searching for a deeper purpose in one of the most extravagantly creative cities in the world, so we set out on a mission: To create something that would give us the ability to use and share our passions for adventure, photography, the world and well, each other!

iguazu falls, fox de iguazo, brazil, brazil waterfall, mr and mrs adventure

iguazu falls, fox de iguazo, brazil, brazil waterfall, mr and mrs adventure

This small, yet hopeful idea grew organically over time, turning into a huge way for us to connect with family and friends scattered across the globe, and reach new, incredible people whom we would have never had the pleasure of knowing otherwise! On top of that, before starting MrandMrsAdventure.com, we knew we liked to travel and hike, etc. but this site gave us even more reason to take it to a whole new level… literally!

mount jacinto, california mountain, summits in california, how high is mount jacinto, mr and mrs adventure

mount jacinto, california mountain, summits in california, how high is mount jacinto, mr and mrs adventure

We started by:

  1. Choosing a topic that we were absolutely head over heels (or should I say heels over head) about!

bungee america, bungee jumping, bridge to nowhere, adrenaline rush

bungee america, bungee jumping, bridge to nowhere, adrenaline rush

sup yoga, headstand, mr and mrs adventure, mrs adventure, headstand on paddle board, sup headstand, yoga, amazing yoga, brittany rouille

sup yoga, headstand, mr and mrs adventure, mrs adventure, headstand on paddle board, sup headstand, yoga, amazing yoga, brittany rouille

This was the easy part.

2.Turning our dream into a reality.

world domination summit, nomadic matt, wds2013, mr and mrs adventure

world domination summit, nomadic matt, wds2013, mr and mrs adventure

This was and still is the hard part. There are so many opinions out there about how to build the best site, so, in order to cut back on the confusion, we stuck with our faves, Problogger and Nomadic Matt - whom we actually had the chance to meet at WDS last year (photo above)! We also started with a free WordPress site to get started. My grandpa always said, "You just have to start somewhere." We are continuously brainstorming ways to improve upon and add to what we're doing - I have a feeling that our dreams, and site, will only continue to grow larger and more exciting with time.

3. Creating and discovering content.

mr and mrs adventure, drew neumann, brittany rouille, adventure blog, travel bloggers, best travel blog, binoculars

mr and mrs adventure, drew neumann, brittany rouille, adventure blog, travel bloggers, best travel blog, binoculars

The best part. Our passion for travel writing began when we were both very young. Drew’s parents thankfully “forced him” to journal everyday when he went to Hawaii for the first time at the age of 6, and I was given a travel journal when I went to France for the first time at the age of 6 too. Since then, writing and traveling have both become voluntary “must-dos” and so this site has become our amazing travel journal of the 21st century!

It’s a tale of three: one Mister, one Misses, and awholelotta ADVENTURE.

mr and mrs adventure, river rafting, underwater camera

mr and mrs adventure, river rafting, underwater camera

SO where is this blog going (besides EVERYWHERE)?

Well, this past week, our number of viewers surpassed 35,000 and the momentum is only growing! We could have never done this without help of friends and family who have shared our site with countless others – for bloggers, word of mouth is one of the greatest gifts you can give! We are constantly blown away by the number of people who have stumbled upon our site around the world and are deeply encouraged by the heartfelt messages we receive each week.

blog viewers, mr and mrs adventure, how to build a blog, map of the world

blog viewers, mr and mrs adventure, how to build a blog, map of the world

Where the majority of our adventurous fans and readers live:

blog viewers, mr and mrs adventure, how to build a blog, map of the world

blog viewers, mr and mrs adventure, how to build a blog, map of the world

MrandMrsAdventure, adventure website, travel website, best travel blogs, adventurous couples

MrandMrsAdventure, adventure website, travel website, best travel blogs, adventurous couples

The next big update we have is that our site will be getting a total makeover! We feel that in order to grow this endeavor we need to step it up in terms of visual appeal, and we of course want to present you all with our very best. The new design will make browsing our adventures easier with organized tabs and our most recent posts displayed on the homepage. We’ll even be adding an online store as well as a calendar with trips you can sign up to join us on! Here’s a sneak peak:

mr and mrs adventure, drew neumann, brittany rouille, adventure blog, travel bloggers, best travel blog

mr and mrs adventure, drew neumann, brittany rouille, adventure blog, travel bloggers, best travel blog

And what does this mean for the future?

Along with setting up the new look, over the next year we will be working hard to build video content, creating a new way to share and connect with you! We’re all about keep things fresh and interesting, so get ready, the first video will be coming your way this April!

We are so grateful for what the site has become and where it is headed, and we want to thank you all for your continued support and interest in what we do best – Adventuring, togetherCheck out the post where we announce the NEW DESIGN here!